
If you are in the vicinity of the hotel before the official check-in time and would like to check in earlier, please contact the hotel where you are staying by phone. We cannot guarantee the possibility to check in earlier. This depends on the availability of rooms in the hotel.

Have you lost an object or property while staying at a Hobbit Hotel? Please contact the hotel where you stayed by phone or email. Always mention the following:

  • your name or the name of the guest who lost the item;
  • clear description of the item;
  • where you lost the item;
  • the arrival and departure dates of your stay.

At Hobbit Hotels we make every effort to make your stay as pleasant as possible. If, unfortunately, something did not meet your expectations or if you have any suggestions on how we can further improve our services, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the reception desk. We would love to help you regain your smile if we can.

No, unfortunately the Hobbit Hotels car parks do not have parking spaces for large vehicles. Therefore, please note that the hotel you are staying at cannot accommodate parking for large tour buses or trucks.

Baby cots are not standard in Hobbit Hotels’ hotel rooms, but can be reserved based on availability. These cots are suitable for children up to 3 years (max. 1 per room). Please specify when booking that a baby is staying in the room.

Hobbit Hotels